Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The new baby

This is Hailey and Kayli at home the day the baby came home. Hailey loves holding Kayli!
Kayli's silly brother takes a turn at holding his sister. He's not too bad on diaper duty either, so far. He gives her many kisses.

Grandma Cheryl Holding her 5th grand child. Now the work begins, AGAIN for the next 5 years!

Minutes after Kayli's birth. The first question I asked Teri and Jacob was WHAT"S HER NAME? tHEY LIKE TO KEEP THE NAMES A SECRET TIL THE MINUTE THE BABIES ARE BORN!

Monday, August 3, 2009


This is apicture Nick developed this summer 09 but their is one grandchild missing.. Kayli Marie